ESTEBAN ESPUÑA S.A.(ESPUÑA) is a company committed to ethical behavior in each of its areas. This commitment is reflected in our Code of Ethics, which explicitly includes the most relevant behavior guidelines that should determine all our actions.

The Code of Ethics reflects ESPUÑA commitment with the principles of business ethics and transparency in all areas. It establishes a set of conduct guiding principles aimed at ensuring ethical and responsible behavior of all the Company’s employees when carrying out their responsibilities, regardless of their position or their geographical or functional location.

ESPUÑA, in order to reach the highest level of commitment, offers to all its stakeholders a corporate Ethical Channel to make any inquiries and notify of any irregular behavior or any attitude contrary to the performance standards outlined in the Code of Ethics. The aforementioned Ethical Channel is accessible to the Company's employees, customers and suppliers, who may send their inquiries to the following e-mail address:

The Code of Ethics and the Ethical Channel are available by clicking the following links: