Trailwalker 2023 challenge won!
Sunday, May 7, 2023
We have reached our destination: Girona. A team made up of Espuña collaborators has travelled 55km between Olot and Girona for a fairer world. A pleasure to have participated in the #Trailwalker2023. We hope to repeat the experience next year.
Many thanks Oxfam Intermón to our team and to all those who have supported our participation in the Trailwalker 2023.
We have raised more than 315,000€ in this edition and thanks to this 6,300 families will be able to alleviate the consequences of climate change.
The lack of access to drinking water means that millions of people live in poverty and many of them have to walk many kilometres every day to fetch water.
With these donations we improve access to safe water and adequate hygiene and sanitation.
With your help, the most vulnerable people can adapt to the effects of the climate crisis.